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Do You Know Him?

                                                                                 Photo By: Gülçin Anmaç

Who is Allah? 

For a start; If we ask this question it means that we accept the existence/entity of God. But why don't we call him ‘god’ as Muslims? There are a lot of religions in the world and there are also many names for god. However, Muslims use the Arabic word for God and it is  ‘Allah’. Because Allah doesn’t give the meaning of plural and feminine, although there are many names that give these other meanings like goddesses or semi-gods. 
In addition to this amazing difference, Allah is One and Unique according to Islam. The Quran says ‘Allah - there is no deity except Him, Lord of the Great Throne.’ He is Incomparable and the Sole Creator according to this verse from the Quran: “There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.” 
We comprehend that already when we think about the universe deeply because everything that occurs around us is thought-provoking. One of the beauties of Islam is contemplation. We realize that Allah is created a universe in the best way and provided without numerous equipment. 
In addition to this, He created also a human being in order to pray for him because He wanted to know. Therefore he sent us a lot of messengers and messages through revelation. He has introduced himself by attributes in the Quran and other books that He sent before. 
Despite understanding Allah in a detailed way is quite difficult, Allah gives us a clue by the basmala. Thanks to basmala (in the name of Allah) we find out that He is -Rahman-the Compassionate (it means that Allah gives blessing for all of the people in the world regardless they are believer or nonbeliever, and also He is -Rahim- the Merciful ( it means that Allah going to give the blessing in the after-life just for Muslims. Because of this, we start to do something with basmala. Actually, all people need to belong to somebody but some of them disclaim this. However, it appears in difficult situations and people want to rely on somebody and desire help from him. As a result of this, we know that everything in this universe depends on Allah. On the other hand, He is the safest shelter and helper. He is the Lord of all human and living beings. 
So all praises and thanks to Him.


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