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The Sign Of Intellectual Islamic Awareness

In the last centuries, the Muslim world has been witnessing one of the biggest destruction in its history. Islamic countries have been occupied by western ideas both spiritually and materially. By the way, these countries lost their powers politically, economically, and socially. Unfortunately, at this time there is not an Islamic country -or rather countries that have the Muslim public- who has the right to speak in the global world nearly in all areas. The current structure of Islamic countries reveals us demanding a new solution which is explained in the book; titled Islamization of Knowledge. This book emphasizes the recent main problems of Ummah from several angels and explains possible solutions as a structure that is shaped in the authors' mentality. The author says there are some stages to deal with this problem and there are three main steps to save the Ummah from the present situation. Firstly, after recognizing the problem as said above, all Muslim students must be educated in Islamic civilization. After that, Muslim scholars have a big responsibility. They must able to integrate Islamic and western educational systems using their own strategies and methodologies. All departments must be rebuilt compatible with Islamic principals. Secondly, Muslims must improve their own method based on the unity of God, knowledge, creation, life, and history. Faruqi claims that the unity of knowledge in a rational, objective, and critical way must be generated to make a common structure between two civilizations. But, is it possible to built unity of the knowledge between civilizations? It is one of the controversial issues in this book because all civilizations have their own epistemological and methodological systems based on their own source of information. As an example, in Islam particularly vahy-revelation contains the large part of Islamic source of knowledge which does not exist in contemporary knowledge. On the other hand, there are some common sources between two types of knowledge. For example, the reason is one of them. İt is excepted that the reason is one of the sources of knowledge in Islam and it does not conflict with vahy-revelation but, in my opinion, the problem is their degrees are different from each other. Even, mental are acceptable sources for both of them but their acceptability levels are different. It does not mean, Islam does not place importance on mentality but it uses as a tool to measure all rights by using the mentality of humans. Islam as a religion has dogmatic nature which is put on mental basic. In addition, Islam uses mental as a key to get into another world. The last part of the book consists of studying a plan to solve this problem. The author claims that Muslim scholars must understand and specialize in modern studies and Islamic studies deeply and critically. To sum up, there is big chaos in Islamic society nearly in all areas of life and the author made an effort to solve that problem and offered strong solutions with evidence and explained these options progressively. As a final remark, it looks like a studying which has a practicable aspect, if Muslim society wakes up from their centenary laziness.


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